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Data and Analytics

Camelot Differentiators for Data & Analytics

Leverage the full potential of your data capacities with our Camelot enhancements for standard SAP software solutions for Data & Analytics

Transform Data into Value

Camelot is the global #1 in Enterprise Data Management with a long track record of successful MDM and MDG projects. Our differentiators are next-generation services and solutions for master data processes and data-driven intelligence.

Camelot Differentiators for Data & Analytics


Camelot Data Analyzer

Manage your data lifecycle by identifying inactive data with the Camelot Data Analyzer.


Camelot Data Quality Health Check

Relevant strategic and operative decisions are increasingly made based on big data analytics. As it is no longer a challenge to collect and process a wealth of data, the main challenge is to identify any issues in data quality.


Camelot Reference Data Management

Camelot Reference Data Management: Tackling Issues in the Maintenance and Distribution of Reference Data. Contact one of our Experts.


Process Mining​

Utilize the full transparency provided through process mining to get data driven insights in your finance, procurement, order to cash, production, logistics, supply chain or IT processes.


Machine Learning

Machine Leaning (ML) enables systems to learn from past data and adapt to new data. Machine Learning is used in many different use cases, mostly with respect to automation tasks and intelligent decision support.

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CAMELOT Management Consultants